sexta-feira, 13 de junho de 2014

Male genital lesions - Springer

Tenho a satisfação de compartilhar uma alegria. Nosso livro, em conjunto com Dr. Alberto Rosenblatt e Dr.Walter Belda Jr., vem tendo enorme sucesso no exterior, tanto como e-book e na versão impressa. Abaixo uma revisão/comentário sobre o mesmo:

From the reviews:

“This comprehensive review of dermatological lesions of the male external genitalia is
unique in that it covers embryology, anatomy, nonmalignant and malignant lesions. …
Although targeted at urologists and dermatologists, this book also would help primary care
providers with patient care. Urologists and dermatologists, as well as residents in these fields,
would benefit having this as a guide. … index is excellent and the references are extensive
and current. This book should be part of the reference library of all urologists and many
dermatologists.” (Akhil K. Das, Doody’s Book Reviews, May, 2013)

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